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A Broad Productions Media Company Hosted by Queen Shan Shan Like us on Twitter @a_broad_prod Follow us on Facebook abroadproductions Get A BROAD perspective on Travel, Food, Beauty and Culture and much more. You can now listen to Queen ShanShan's podcast on Itunes, Spotify, Google Music Play, Stitcher, YouTube, RadioPublic, iheartRadio and Soundcloud.  For media inquires email us at 

Nov 3, 2023

A Broad Cast Podcasts is honored that Andrea Bernholtz from Swiminsta graced our mics once again in this full circle moment. Andrea Bernholtz fashion entrepreneur shares what's been going on with her and the new exciting luxury swimsuit company she started during the pandemic. Britney Spears new memoir The Woman in Me is discussed. The Madonna Minute. Queen ShanShan shares some valuable travel tips and so much more. 

Attention, Broad listerners, Swiminsta is offering 15% off your first purchase at so use code 'ABROAD15.' Follow Swiminsta on Instagram and like, follow, share and comment and be entered in a free giveaway to win a free swimsuite or cover of your choice. Tell them Queen ShanShan sent ya!

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Instagram: abroadpodcasts

Threads: queenshanshan

TikTok: queenshanshan1

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Ma's Italian Kitchen: 

Exquisite Dentistry LA: SD Langhorne Insurance Services